The Shortz! Film Festival is VERY PROUD to anounce that KIXE, Public Broadcasting out of Redding has joined us as a Media Partner. KIXE Channels 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3 serve ten North State counties. KIXE and PBS broadcasts over five-hundred hours of arts programming each year, and over sixty hours of Childrens Educational programs each week. They are a nonprofit, member supported station so please remember them during their next member pledge drive. It is worth every dollar you give.
The PBS Fall Arts Festival, featuring the documentary "Hamilton's America" starts October 21st, and KIXE will be holding a screening event for this program at Chico State in October. Check the KIXE Schedule for times.
We are thrilled and very thankful to be partnering with KIXE. Be sure to watch for the Shortz! Filmfest promo on KIXE Chanel 9.1.